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Play therapy 

Sessions are booked in blocks of 12 with each session lasting 45 minutes. Sessions are usually conducted in school but alternative arrangements can be made to suit the family.

I work one to one in a free play child led initiative, this means that the child is never asked to do anything or answer questions about what may be affecting them, what they do in their play is where the work is done and they have the ability to heal themselves. My role is to reflect anything that comes up and respond to them without judgement.


Sessions are charged at £40 each with a free initial consultation, any additional meetings are charged at £15.

Boy Playing with Blocks


Lego based therapy

Lego based therapy is an intervention to help children learn to work together in groups, helping them to develop skills such as turn taking, eye contact, listening and communication skills.

This will work with groups of three children each taking on a specific role to help nurture these skills which they need in day to day life. 

Playing with Toy Vehicles
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